The Honour Committee

The organising committee

Chairman: João Baptista Assistant Chairman: Arlindo Silva • International Relations: Luís Eduardo Nicolau

Treasurer: Nuno Rodrigues Accreditation Officer: Diogo Neves • Sports Services: César Pestana

Transportation: Nicodemo Câmara Accommodation: Rúben Castro Information technologies: David Quintal

Marketing and sponsors: Andreia Nascimento NUSA Representative: Manuel Veloso


Message from the Head of the Organizing Committe

Welcome to the EUC Table Tennis Championship’s Website,

I am pleased to present the official website of the 5th European Universities Table Tennis Championship, where you can find information about the main topics of the event that shall take place in Madeira, Portugal, in July 2011, specifically between the days 19 and 23.

It is a great honour to organize an event that, year after year, collects more and more participants.  We want to make this the best event ever, where every athlete can enjoy their stay while giving their maximum during the games.

Here, in the website, you can find information about the accommodation venue, the sports hall, the catering, the transport and the city. This website is constantly being updated with more specific information.

In case of doubt, do not hesitate and get in touch with us. We will be pleased to help you.
I wish you all a good Championship, a great time and that you may save the best memories about Madeira Island.

I hope see you in Madeira,


Message from the President of EUSA

Dear athletes, officials and guests,

I am honoured to welcome you to the V European Universities Table Tennis Championship.

On behalf of EUSA, I would like to thank the Organising  Committee for what has been done for the organisation of this important event. I am glad to state once again that our Championships have aroused large interest in the European University Movement. This success of our events, in terms of participation and overall organisation is due to the devotion of the Organising Committees and local Authorities which has been giving their valuable time to coordinate the running of this Championship.

To all the persons involved in this event, I wish all the best. 

EUSA activities are only possible due to the immense level of support and encouragement we constantly receive from our National University Sport Associations, from the huge work carried out by our Secretariat and our staff. I am sure that our new IT system has strongly simplified the enrolment procedures both for the participating teams and Organising Committees.

Last, but surely not least, I would like to acknowledge all the athletes taking part in our events. I hope you will enjoy this Championship and that you will compete for the best placing bringing with you the Olympics spirit.

I hope you will always take with you this spirit which I consider fundamental for the wellness of the University Sport.

Welcome to EUC Table Tennis 2011!

Alberto Gualtieri,



Message from the President of FADU

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the Portuguese National University Sports Federation I would like to welcome you to Madeira, Portugal, for this 5th Edition of the European Universities Table Tennis Championship organized by the University of Madeira and it's Student's Union to whom I would like to express our gratitude.

Madeira Island was discovered by Portuguese people back in 1419 but now it is up to you to re-discover all about Madeira's culture and history while admiring the breathtaking Landscape and Monuments.

We do hope that through this major sports event you enjoy your stay in Portugal.

Once again, Welcome! And good luck!

Bruno Barracosa
President of FADU